Cultural learning organizations

A management and organizational model

About the author

Eva was born in Cordoba (Spain) in 1970 and lives in Madrid at present. Eva brings in a thorough knowledge of the contemporary art and museum sectors from very different perspectives (legal, curatorial, artistic and managerial).


She is particularly interested in organizational issues inside cultural and art organizations. Her work has led her to develop a management model for cultural organizations that fosters innovation and creativity inside them and to help them become true learning organizations.


Eva holds a M.A. in Museum and Gallery Management from City University (London - UK) and a M.A. in Art History at Complutense University (Madrid - Spain), a B.A. degree in Law and a B.A. degree in Visual Arts, both from Complutense University (Madrid - Spain), and a B.A. degree in European Union Law from Rouen University (Rouen - France). These interdisciplinary and international studies, together with her professional expertise as an art lawyer, a visual artist, a curator and a consultant have helped her to develop a deep understanding of multiple art and museum facets.


She has curated and organized different events, festivals and exhibitions related to new media and contemporary art. She has collaborated with different art organizations and museums in curatorial, art, legal and managerial issues such as the Mediamuseum / ZKM Center for Art and Technology, a pioneer new media museum in Germany, the Madrid Visual Artist Association, MAD03 Festival, Node London or the Spanish-American Museum of Contemporary Art (Badajoz—Spain). She has also worked as the Head of the International Relations Department at Madrid Bar Association and as a lawyer in a comprehensive law firm. This plural expertise at executive, consultancy and decision-making levels makes her a skilled professional who is able to understand different points of view and to promote and facilitate dialogue advance inside cultural organizations.


She has also participated as guest speaker in a number of conferences and University courses.



See some of her texts in:









Eva Moraga Guerrero